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1.yang lu, bo li, feng xiong, qi ge, peng zhao, yang liu.simple discrete models for dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction analysis, engineering structures, 206(2020)110188

2.tufail, feng xiong,statistical modeling of rubberized concrete beams confined by frp using rsm technique. sadhana, springer 45, 113 (2020) published 9 may, 2020

3.yang lu,jin song, feng xiong*, kaoshan dai, guangxin zhou, mingyu wei, shiming zhang. simplified procedures for seismic design verification andevaluation of lead rubber bearing base-isolated buildings basedon free-vibration response, struct design tall spec build. 2020; e1751.

4.yuzhao liang and feng xiong*.measurement-based bearing capacity evaluation for small and medium span bridges,measurement,149(2020):1-9,

5.ahad amini* pishro, xiong feng, yang ping, huang dengshi, reza s. shirazinejad.comprehensive equation of local bond stress between uhpc andreinforcing steel bars, construction and building materials, 262(2020): 1-13

6.yuxuan zhu,jiang chen, yuanyuan zhang, feng xiong, fengfei he, xiao fang. temperature tracer method for crack detection inunderwater concrete structures, struct control health monit. 2020;27:e2595.

7.prafulla malla, feng xiong*, gaochuang cai**, yong xu, amir si larbi, wen chen.numerical study on the behaviour of vertical bolted joints for precastconcrete wall-based low-rise buildings, journal of building engineering 33 (2021) 101529

8.xiong, feng; malla, prafulla; cai, gaochuang; zhong, yachao; faisl tufail, rana; chen, wen; huang, wei. numerical analysis of precast concrete shear walls with horizontal bolted joints under seismic loads,journal of earthquake engineering (accepted)

9.feng xiong, fuchao zhao, gaochuang cai, jiang chen, amir si larbi. seismic performance of a bolt-assembled precast panel building with dfd: a quasi-static test and discussion on existing design codes. journal of earthquake engineering.(accepted)

10.tingting ji,hsi‑hsien wei, igal m. shohet, feng xiong. risk‑based resilience concentration assessmentof community to seismic hazards, natural hazards, 13 april 2021 (online)

11.lu yang, feng xiong*, qi ge. dynamic rocking response of a rigid planar block on a nonlinear hysteretic winkler foundation, earthquake engineering & structural dynamics. 2021;50:2754–2773.(

12.熊峰,吴潇*,柳金峰,宋飞,刘宜丰,陈猷鹏,周政旭.西南民族村寨防灾综合技术研究构想与成果展望,工程科学与技术,53(4): 13-22,2021.

13.庄钰蓥,熊峰*,吕洋,张博文.基于gis的城市建筑群动力响应分析模型建模方法研究,世界地震工程,37(3): 1-11,2021.

14.yanglu, feng xiong*. seismic performance of a full-scale two-story bolt-connected precast concrete composite wall panel building tested on a shake table, asce j. of structural engineering (accepted)

15.qidan hu, peiyang su, feng xiong *. dynamic game strategies for construction and demolition waste recyclingwith learning and reference effects, environmental impact assessment review, 89 (2021) 106592,1-13.(ssci)

16.min xiang, feng xiong *, yang lu *, qi ge, huiqun yan and mingming ran.structural displacement ratios for seismic evaluation ofstructures on rocking shallow foundations, buildings 2022, 12, 174.1-26


1.实用新型专利:新型预制复合钢筋混凝土墙板构件,专利号:zl 2013 2 0428717.7, 2014年1月15日(熊峰、黄群艺)

2.发明专利:预制复合墙板抗震节能农居结构体系,专利号:zl 201310302585.8, 2016年4月27日(熊峰、黄群艺)

3.发明专利:低层装配式复合墙体房屋螺栓连接节点结构,专利号:zl 201410171848.0 , 2016年2月10日(熊峰、徐锦祥、徐咏、刘冰玉)


5.发明专利:一种高强度建筑施工工地快速成膜抑尘剂,专利号:zl2016 1 0520266.8,2018年4月6号(熊峰、徐玥、胡刚、夏葵)

6.发明专利:装配式建筑框架结构的预制柱和预制梁连接结构及方法,专利号:zl 2017 1 1275804.2,2019年9月6号 (陈江;熊峰;段瑞峰)

7.实用新型专利:一种预制阳台板,专利号:zl 2016 2 1074254.9,2016年09月23日

8.实用新型专利:一种结合桩基换热埋管的预制结构柱,专利号:zl 2016 2 1074564.7 2016年9月23日

9.实用新型专利:预制送风冷梁与送风系统,专利号:zl 2017 2 0133204.1,2017年2月14号

10.实用新型专利:建筑用多能互补系统,专利号:zl2017 2 0193839.0,2017年03月01日

11.发明专利:一种螺栓拼接的可拆卸装配式剪力墙结构,专利号:zl2019 1 0392211.7,2019年5月9号(熊峰,陈文,陈江,赵福超)

12.实用新型专利:一种预制高耐久复合墙板,专利号:zl 202121262921.7 20221月11号(熊峰,郑潮阳,王兆强,刘烨)


1.“大力推进专业整合,建设宽口径平台专业,培养复合型新工科人才”四川大学教学成果奖 特等奖,2021.9.24,负责人(熊峰、张炜、兰中仁、阎慧群、戴靠山、谢凌志、王庆国、谭茹文、张堙)






7.“precast building online shop”第五届中国互联网 大学生创新创业大赛国际赛道铜奖,2019.10指导教师









